What should you learn from the Potential Boss During the Interview?

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Happiness on the job has many factors – the right pay, location, challenges that suit our capabilities, benefits, and more. For all the hours spent at work, the boss is also a critical factor in evaluating whether or not to accept that new position.

But what can you really find out about the boss during the length of an interview or two?

Plenty! According to Caroline Levchuck, author of the article, “Four Questions to Ask a Potential Manager.”

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Type and Sacred Hoops

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Most of us know about the success of Phil Jackson and his unique coaching style that led to six NBA championships.

But have you ever thought about it in regard to the type preferences of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)?

In type theory, there are two ways of taking in information – Sensing and Intuition. People tend to trust one of these preferences over the other.

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Strengthening Your Resilience through
Problem Solving

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“You can’t keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, then move on.”

Homer Simpson, quoted in the London Daily Mail

During difficult times keeping problems in perspective may be a challenging task. But possibly the most critical aspect of developing resilience may be in learning that we have a choice about our attitude.

Reframing how we think is the first step toward managing how the problem may be solved.

Try this exercise for gaining perspective in the next difficult problem you encounter:

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Your Path to Finding a Mentor

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A good mentor relationship enables both the mentor and the mentee to develop and grow new talents and increase self-awareness.

The mentee can receive objective advice that keeps him/her from falling into common pitfalls and become more in tuned with what is needed for his/her development. The mentor can hone leadership skills and benefit from seeing another person positively grow and change.

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Communicating Deliberately

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Open communication with others fosters trust, enhances information flow, builds relationships and increases respect. Effective leaders know the value of two-way communication.

Our relationships at work can make or break our ability to implement our vision and goals. Changing situations demand increasingly sophisticated interpersonal skills.

Embracing the power of type preferences can have a tremendous impact on how we reach others. Use the following tips to communicate deliberately in your next conversation with someone of the opposite preference.

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OK—So Are We All In Agreement?

Meetings are held for a variety of reasons: gather opinions, bring everyone together on the same page, share ideas, etc. But how often in your organization does GroupThink happen? More often than you may think.

GroupThink is especially prominent in groups that meet over long periods of time. Remember once GroupThink begins to happen, the team no longer explores the depth of an issue, brings up other options or identifies concerns. They stay on the surface and opt for easy solutions.

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Leadership and Empathy

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While learning about Emotional Intelligence, many people find it difficult to understand why empathy is an important competency for leadership. Some people proudly proclaim that they don’t have much empathy, while others roll their eyes about this “warm and fuzzy” virtue.

But what people fail to realize is that when we show lack of empathy in our daily lives, it serves as a roadblock not only to our relationships but also to our coaching abilities.

Empathy is the ability to read other people and see things from their perspective.

It involves tuning into body language, facial expression, posture and tone. When we show empathy we “hear” the whole message both verbally and non-verbally. We work to understand rather than projecting our own interpretation of reality on them.

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Give the Gift of Listening

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Listening enables us as leaders and mangers to value our employees. It helps people get the most out of meetings and conversations. True listening promotes cooperation. It assumes the other person has worth, dignity and something to offer.

Some benefits to increasing your listening include: building cohesive teams of people, developing individuals to be better contributors, making solid decisions, knowing how to connect with others and creating an atmosphere of reduced stress. When people reflect on their best boss a frequent response is that the person was a great listener. Listening is a gift that aids us in both personal and professional growth.

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Type as We Age

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a fascinating personality profile based on the work of Carl Jung. Jung suggested that psychological type is a compass for the life long process of individualization. Much research has been done using the MBTI tool– including how type is affected during our life long process of growth and development. Discover the richness of the dynamics of type by thinking of how your type has evolved over the years.

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