Stress, Workplace Success and Emotional Intelligence

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Leaders who demonstrate strong emotional intelligence are able to better build relationships, drive teams to improve performance, adapt to change and deal with difficult job demands.

In a national study of over 1000 working Americans aged 18 and over done by Legar Marketing and Multi-Health Systems, stress was found to have a detrimental effect on emotional intelligence.

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What is Unintentional Intolerance?

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Today’s workplace has a broad range of religious and political beliefs, genders, cultures, generations, races and lifestyles. These powerful aspects of others and ourselves provide daily communication and connection challenges.

Without thinking we could easily appear intolerant and insulting. Our actions can be “lost in translation” without self-awareness and sensitivity.

In the article, “Can You Speak the Language of Business with other Cultures?”, by Elisabete Miranda, the author outlines ways to support diversity and educationally grow in understanding others.

Suggested actions include:

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Fire Up Your Creativity

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Ever notice how ideas come to you at the least likely times and places? Like when you are running, in the shower or right before you go to bed? Yet when you are in a time crunch you have to try to get ideas to come to you.

In a workplace study done by the Harvard Business Review, it was found that participants were least creative when on a tight schedule — and especially if deadlines were imminent. However, since creativity stems from the subconscious you have the ability to nudge your thinking in the right direction.

Try these tips:

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