What should you learn from the Potential Boss During the Interview?

Boss Interview Image

Happiness on the job has many factors – the right pay, location, challenges that suit our capabilities, benefits, and more. For all the hours spent at work, the boss is also a critical factor in evaluating whether or not to accept that new position.

But what can you really find out about the boss during the length of an interview or two?

Plenty! According to Caroline Levchuck, author of the article, “Four Questions to Ask a Potential Manager.”

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Type and Sacred Hoops

Basketball Hoop Image

Most of us know about the success of Phil Jackson and his unique coaching style that led to six NBA championships.

But have you ever thought about it in regard to the type preferences of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)?

In type theory, there are two ways of taking in information – Sensing and Intuition. People tend to trust one of these preferences over the other.

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Strengthening Your Resilience through
Problem Solving

  Homer Simpson Image

“You can’t keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, then move on.”

Homer Simpson, quoted in the London Daily Mail

During difficult times keeping problems in perspective may be a challenging task. But possibly the most critical aspect of developing resilience may be in learning that we have a choice about our attitude.

Reframing how we think is the first step toward managing how the problem may be solved.

Try this exercise for gaining perspective in the next difficult problem you encounter:

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Your Path to Finding a Mentor

Mentor Image

A good mentor relationship enables both the mentor and the mentee to develop and grow new talents and increase self-awareness.

The mentee can receive objective advice that keeps him/her from falling into common pitfalls and become more in tuned with what is needed for his/her development. The mentor can hone leadership skills and benefit from seeing another person positively grow and change.

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