Protecting Your Training Investment

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Ever wonder why your organization does training one month and the next month everyone is back to their old habits?

Transfer of learning (TOL) is an important aspect of training – getting participants to actually use the skills, knowledge and abilities that were presented during a training program. TOL needs to happen before, during and after training happens.

This safety net maximizes the learning and places accountability on the participant.

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Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation

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Talented leaders recognize that skillful negotiation not only brings the best outcome, but also helps build lasting relationships in the organization.

Collaborative negotiation can be powerful in driving fresh approaches, moving through change in positive ways and finding creative solutions.

Using your emotional intelligence is an important factor in exercising a collaborative negotiation style. Every stage of the negotiation process requires the artistry of effectively demonstrating strength in emotional intelligence.

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Coaching with a ConnectionCoaching Image

Coaching is a critical aspect of every leader’s job.

Meeting with team members provides you with an opportunity to remove obstacles to success, brainstorm strategies for improvement, identify and develop strengths, assess career direction and gage job satisfaction.

Guiding individuals to be their best involves connecting in a meaningful, supportive way.

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Building Trust into your Leadership

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Remember the first time you rode a bike without training wheels?

There was a critical moment where you decided to try it even though you were afraid. Most likely, there was someone nearby coaching you and letting you know you were ready.

It’s much the same with building trust into your leadership. People who trust their leader will follow him/her even when the outcome may be scary or the change difficult to accept.

Trustworthiness is developed by a number of actions that you consistently take. They need to be demonstrated sincerely and equally with team members.

William Bridges outlines specific ways to build trust in his book, Managing Transitions – Making the Most of Change.

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Survive and Thrive with EQ Flexibility

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A few years ago on vacation in Mexico, my husband and I visited a water park. There we experienced a float bridge of sorts.

While crossing the water, the bridge ebbed and flowed with our every movement. The more resistance that we showed the more the bridge seemed to want to dump us into the water.

It was clear, we learned with experience, that we needed to “go with the flow” in order to safely get across. Be flexible and we would make it.

Flexibility, as defined by Reuven Bar-On, author of the EQ-instrument, is the “ability to adjust one’s feelings, thoughts and behavior to changing situations and conditions.”

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