Leading with IntegrityIntegrity Compass Image

“When you sacrifice your integrity, you erode your most precious leadership possession. People will forget and forgive any judgment error that you make, but integrity mistakes are forever.”

David Cottrell, author of Listen Up Leader – Pay Attention, Improve and Guide

The first question most people ask themselves is: “Do I trust my boss and the other members of management?”

Trust is a by-product of integrity. Leaders are asked to be honest, respectful, responsible and credible. Without integrity, leadership rings hollow.

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Understanding Your Approach to Conflict

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People make critical decisions and choices during conflict. Taking responsibility means acknowledging how you may have contributed through actions, words and behaviors.

The Conflict Dynamics Profile® is an instrument that provides people with a honest appraisal of constructive and destructive behaviors, as well as, conflict hot buttons. The CDP® has been developed based on the concept of conflict as “dynamic” – with a beginning, middle and end – an active process.

Some behaviors heighten the process and cause it to escalate and erupt; other behaviors can interrupt the process, reduce the conflict and transform it into a problem-solving mode.

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Emotional Intelligence and Negotiation

  Win Win Solution Negotiation Image

Talented leaders recognize that skillful negotiation not only brings the best outcome, but also helps build lasting relationships in the organization.

Collaborative negotiation can be powerful in driving fresh approaches, moving through change in positive ways and finding creative solutions.

Using your emotional intelligence is an important factor in exercising a collaborative negotiation style. Every stage of the negotiation process requires the artistry of effectively demonstrating strength in emotional intelligence.

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Building Trust into your Leadership

  Building Trust Image

Remember the first time you rode a bike without training wheels?

There was a critical moment where you decided to try it even though you were afraid. Most likely, there was someone nearby coaching you and letting you know you were ready.

It’s much the same with building trust into your leadership. People who trust their leader will follow him/her even when the outcome may be scary or the change difficult to accept.

Trustworthiness is developed by a number of actions that you consistently take. They need to be demonstrated sincerely and equally with team members.

William Bridges outlines specific ways to build trust in his book, Managing Transitions – Making the Most of Change.

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