Type as We Age

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a fascinating personality profile based on the work of Carl Jung. Jung suggested that psychological type is a compass for the life long process of individualization. Much research has been done using the MBTI tool– including how type is affected during our life long process of growth and development. Discover the richness of the dynamics of type by thinking of how your type has evolved over the years.

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Five Factors that Contribute to Job Enrichment

Ever wonder how to keep your employees (or yourself) happy on the job? Researchers Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham identified five factors that make a difference in job satisfaction.

  1. Skill Variety – A desired mix of skills and activities is needed to carry out the work.
  2. Task Completion – The job is undertaken as a whole, allowing the employee to complete an identifiable piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome.
  3. Task Significance – The job has a recognizable impact on the overall mission or on other people inside or outside the organization.
  4. Autonomy – The job offers substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work and in choosing the procedures to be used in carrying it out.
  5. Feedback – The job provides feedback by observable progress and results of the job itself, or from customers, coworkers and management.

Resource: The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, by Leigh Branham

Emotional Information Age

EQ vs IQ Images

The information age has been here for quite some time. All of us are dependent on getting information, interpreting it and using it wisely. But there is also another type of information age going on that does not involve technology, it centers on the energy of emotions.

The field of Emotional Intelligence has grown both in sophistication and importance. There has been a dramatic increase in researchers that have entered the field and studies that are being conducted. This concept has taken hold worldwide.

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