Emotional Information Age

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The information age has been here for quite some time. All of us are dependent on getting information, interpreting it and using it wisely. But there is also another type of information age going on that does not involve technology, it centers on the energy of emotions.

The field of Emotional Intelligence has grown both in sophistication and importance. There has been a dramatic increase in researchers that have entered the field and studies that are being conducted. This concept has taken hold worldwide.

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Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

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Intellect (IQ) has long been identified as a critical factor for success in business. Financial decisions, detailed analysis, creation of strategies, defining effective processes and procedures are fundamentals in making businesses run smoothly. Smart people are needed to skillfully move the business forward, look at things in innovative ways and see beyond the present.

However, research study after research study clearly demonstrates the value of the “good boss” in building teams, demonstrating leadership attributes, retaining employees and creating positive work environments—having Emotional Intelligence. Combining IQ and EQ (emotional quotient) are proving to be powerful factors for business and personal success.

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Emotional Intelligence and Listening

  • “He’s such a terrible listener.”
  • “When my boss’s cell phone rings—it barks like a dog and he answers it. He always puts me on hold.”
  • “I can hear the clicking of keys on the computer (my boss multi-tasking) when I am talking to him. It’s so frustrating.”
  • “It doesn’t matter what we are talking about, when my boss’s phone rings, she answers it. I am left there sometimes in mid-sentence.”

All of the statements above were said in the last month during manager coaching sessions. Since leaders set the mood and tone with which messages are received, these statements are particularly strong. In fact, each of these situations lead to bad feelings of frustration, disappointment, anger, sadness, disgust or hurt with the subordinate.

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